



24 Fortællinger fra Folkedybet

Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh Scotland

Sunday 9th February 2pm 

Family performance in the exibtion of Tea Bendix lovely illustrations to the book Danish Folktales. In English!

Insp! i Roskilde, Danmark

Tirsdage den 4. og 11. marts 2025 kl. 18.30

24 frejdige fortællinger i Folkerummet i Insp! På dansk!

24 fortællinger fra folkedybet

Lydbog med illustrationer af Tea Bendix


Danish Folktales in English - hardcover version

A varied selection of stories, told with heart and presence. Written in such an accessible way that you feel that you easily can retell them yourself if you should like.

Anna Lundquist

This is a wee gem of a book - a fascinating mix of tales from a master storyteller, guiding us through the folklore, history and mythology of his country. There's a lovely mix of the humorous and the serious, love and loss, war and peace - something for everyone in this book! You can lose yourself in it for hours, or just flick through on the bus.

Thoroughly recommend!

Neil Sutcliffe

Lovely book with enchanting stories. Of interest to all age groups. I thoroughly enjoyed them myself and have read them to my grandchildren who were captivated by them.

Ann Hansen

A collection of tales that grew out of the sprawling flatlands, the oozing fjords, the dark forests and the waves that crash on the shores of Denmark.

How a Viking ship carried a future king into Roskilde Fjord, how a mermaid’s laughter brought fortunes to her fisherman host, how the people of Lolland survived a flood with waves 3m high and how a princess found her freedom in becoming a prince.
