Books / Bøger

Danish Folktales

A book filled with fairy tales and legends from Denmark.

I have chosen 27 favorites and Tea Bendix has created a magical universe with her illustrations. 

Published by The History Press

October 2023.

A collection of tales that grew out of the sprawling flatlands, the oozing fjords, the dark forests and the waves that crash on the shores of Denmark.

How a Viking ship carried a future king into Roskilde Fjord, how a mermaid’s laughter brought fortunes to her fisherman host, how the people of Lolland survived a flood with waves 3m high and how a princess found her freedom in becoming a prince.

Experience the history, landscapes, stories and fairy tales brought to life by a storyteller who called this country home for nearly sixty years.

From the intro written by Svend-Erik Engh

So use the stories in this book to be inspired, maybe to visit some of the places I describe in the book, use the book to be troubled by some of the images and then always remember that the stories were meant to be told and that was a common experience between the storyteller and the listener, so the storyteller could adjust the stories in that moment to the listeners response to the story. ‘The princess that became a man’ is the story in this collection with the most troublesome images, so when you read that story, be with somebody that you trust and if the image feels too strong, talk about it, find a way to make it a useful experience for you. And you could of course just skip that story and read ‘The fat cat’, a lovely little joke - I hope I don’t offend anyone by using the word ‘fat’ about a cat - stories are like that, some are deep and troublesome, some are just plain funny and there are no bigger ideas behind them. 

And do yourself the favour and scroll through the illustrations of Tea Bendix, then if you have found something intriguing that has caught your eye, take a deeper look at the drawings. Each of these illustrations has told me a new story. Tea has found a new dimension in the relations between the characters and the landscapes in the stories, just notice the ant in the tree in ‘The Shoemaker’s boy’. She has spotted something deeper than I have with my simple twisted Danish mind. To work with Tea has been such a joy. 

Ny roman ude - 

'Trump og en seriøs date' handler om to mennesker, der kommer fra meget forskellige kår. De prøver at få kærligheden til at vokse, men det er ikke nemt, når den ene er født med en guldske i munden og den anden knap ved, hvem han far er og hvordan han skal skrabe penge sammen til den næste øl.

Den dag de to mødes og sød musik opstår, bliver Donal Trump indsat som U.S.A.'s 45. præsident og han kiler sig ind imellem de to elskende.
Så der er nok af udfordinger for de to turtelduer. 


"Forfatterens møde med døden danner den grundlæggende melodi i bogen, hvor andre toner og strofer skaber en livsmelodi. 'En ven i Valby' handler om døden og om livet. Om livsændringer, livsbegyndelser og afslutninger. Der er en eftertænksomhed og et nærvær i bogen som giver ro, og får mig til at se verden på en ny måde. Bogen handler også om ansvar, for andre og for sig selv."

Dorthe la Cour

4 stjernet Anmeldelse


Hvordan påvirker kærlighed folks livshistorier og kan man snyde fjenden og overleve ved at agere vanvittig?

”Hovedløst” er en interessant blanding af små historier, lidt længere historier og poesi, som fortælleren Svend Engh står bag. Bogen er opdelt i 15 dele, som hver især begynder med et digt, der efterfølges af to historier. 

Enghs blanding af historier bringer læseren vidt omkring. Til en sommerdag med ungdomsforelskelser, til en pige der er vild med stjernebilleder, til en togtur med Øresundstoget og mange andre steder. Det, at man som læser ikke ved, hvor han fører os hen på næste side, fungerede virkelig godt for denne læser og det er tydeligt i sproget, at han er vant til at skrive historier. 

Bogens illustrationer, som Emil Scharff Christensen står bag, fungerer utrolig godt til bogens temaer og giver dem en vis ekstra kant.

Alt i alt en fin blanding af poesi og små historier, som både kan læses ud i ét eller som små bidder på forskellige dage og stadig give god mening pga temaerne, som samler 3 tekster under hver af dem.

Læs hele anmeldelsen her


Mette myder millioner

mens mor maltrakterer Mortens marsvin

«En herlig historie om en moderne prinsesse, der kan få alt og alligevel ved hun ikke helt, hvad der gør hende glad. Der er i al fald grin for store og små i Den Sure Prinsesse.»

Lama Juma  

«Din bog har en fin og elegant balance og er meget i øjenhøjde med læseren det virker som om, at du tager din læser alvorligt, men det er måske også fordi at historien er blevet fortalt frem. Det virker i hvert fald.»

Aske Ebbesen

«Det er en herlig børnebog!!!! Jeg kan godt lide at du har beholdt den direkte mundtlige fortællerstil som så alligevel går i dialog med tegningerne, som er herlige. Et ægte anarkistisk eventyr.»

Lisbet Soya Nørgaard

Book on Business storyteling

revisited version

December '21

Steve Denning, author of six books on Organisational Storytelling, talks about the book:

"At first sight, the worlds of storytelling and organizations look very different. Storytelling is often viewed as being about fabulous tales of glorious heroes and beautiful heroines, narratives that make the imagination soar and the heart leap. It seems far from the world of business, commerce and making money, with talk of performance targets, budgets, work programs, the bottom-line and the like. That is the interest of this book. To storytellers who are interested in making a journey from storytelling into organizations. And to managers and people in organizations who are wondering whether there is anything in storytelling that is of relevance to business. The book points out matters of profound interest to both the world of storytelling and the world of organizations. In writing it, Svend-Erik has done a service to both worlds, and I hope you find it both educational and entertaining."

Children's Book / 2-6 year

Princess Grumpy and the Talking Elephant is a modern fairytale about a Princess who feels sad and angry, but one day she meets an elephant and everything changes.

Just wanted to say thank you about the Princess Grumpy book, I bought it earlier this year for my daughter who likes it too, but at the moment, for the last few weeks at least, is our 2-year-old's favourite, he asks to read it at least once or twice a day and joins in on 'Boos and hisss' and every 'ouch', and has us singing Nelly the elephant every time too.

Ossi Jalonen

Lyrics for the album Carol with Wet Parsnip